HQ Power will generate electricity at a cheaper price by using local resources in a sustainable way, and substituting expensive diesel and heavy fuel oil generators
Ahmet N. Karasoy, Chairman
November 2, 2021HQ Power is committed to integrating itself in the community and becoming a main actor on the economic and social welfare of the Mamba Sector community where it works. Beyond the various authorizations and contractual agreement with Rwandese authorities, HQ Power sees herself as a......
May 8, 2020HQ Power Project operating in Rwanda, recently made a donation of Rwf 2 millions to Solid Africa, a local non-profit organisation that supports vulnerable patients in public hospitals. This contribution will help finance the supply of 2,591 meals to economically disadvantaged patients in four public hospitals......
June 8, 2018Gisagara, 8th June 2018 The Minister of Infrastructure and State Minister of Water and Sanitation visit HQ Power Project .The visit took Place at Kabumbwe Cell, Mamba Sector, and Gisagara District in the Southern Province of Rwanda where the Project Construction works are ongoing. The......

Learn how we turn crude peat
into electrical power.

An introduction to YUMNPOWER
corporate organization.
The peat fields are located in Southern Rwanda alongside the Akanyaru river and the border with Burundi, about 30 kilometres north-east of Butare town.
The Power Plant is set at Kabumbwe, an ideal location to eliminate the risk of flooding, minimize the distance between the plant and the peat harvesting areas and the maximum proximity to water access.